Our principal aim is to provide our clients with high quality services that continually meet if not exceed their stated, implied and perceived needs in a cost effective way.
The Company will endeavour to ensure that documents provided and advice given within the parameters of the defined service are as accurate as possible, given the limits imposed by the availability of information at any one time.
The establishment of a Quality Management System (QMS) is therefore the foundation to establish a company culture centred upon continuous quality improvement.
The QMS is based on the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001. The system has been developed to enable full integration of in-house, client, legislation and industry specific requirements.
The aims of the QMS are to prevent quality defects or potential quality defects at the earliest stage possible. This in turn improves the overall efficiency of the organisation and assists in the achievement of quality objectives.
The QMS will ensure that all services will meet or exceed client specification and provide satisfaction with regard to service reliability, quality, delivery and client service.
Top management will formulate quality objectives at least annually, during management reviews and will ensure the routine monitoring, measurement and achievement of set objectives. The system is accredited by the BSI certificate no: FS 22757, and all other offices utilise the same systems and procedures.
Download our Quality Certificate
Validate our Accreditation with the BSI
Download our Quality Statement